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Zoologist Salary Range

Kundan Pandey
The salary range of a zoologist, combined with the love of working for animal care, are some of the driving factors that motivate students to enter in the field of zoology, that offers vast opportunities in terms of career goals and learning. Here is a discussion about various facets of a zoologist career...
Zoology, a branch of biology, specializes in the study of animals. Almost every aspect of animal species like anatomy, behavior, characteristics, eating habits, habitat, physiology, genetics, reproduction and migration are extensively studied, analyzed and researched to understand animal life from a closer angle.
Working as a zoologist is indeed fascinating if one loves animals and wildlife. This field offers a lot of career opportunities that are both challenging and rewarding.
The earning potential of a zoologist is often a concern for many zoology enthusiasts who want to pursue a career in zoology. Though the salary range is a determining factor, it is not the sole parameter for people to choose a career in this field. Majority of the zoologists have entered this profession for the sheer joy and curiosity of working with animals.

Job Description

The domain and range of the zoologist job is extended to all the works related to extensive study of animals. They work either in laboratories or in forests, to conduct research, collect samples and study animals.
Many zoologists work with non-profit organizations and animals welfare centers to spread awareness about wildlife conservation. Some zoologists study the entire body of animals and some just few parts of the body. Besides deep observation, zoologists also conduct analytical research and experimental tests, just like other disciplines of biological sciences.

Educational Qualifications

A bachelor's degree in zoology from a recognized institution is the most basic degree that all employer's expect. Owing to the high competition in this field, a higher educational degree is always preferred. So, going for a master's program and then a PhD, becomes an obvious choice for anyone who wants to make a long term career as a zoologist.
Practical experience of internships and few years of work experience can help one to increase the employment opportunities and the scope for better salary range.

Employment Outlook

Zoologists can work in various fields and the career development path depends on the educational qualifications. Zoologists can work as zookeepers, wildlife educators, researchers, wildlife rehabilitators, animal scientists, teachers and as government workers for animal welfare.
Many zoologists also help environmental and animal agencies in preserving animal life.

Average Salary

The income of a zoologist is a function of various parameters like educational qualifications, work experience, interests and skill sets, employer type (non-profit or governmental). As young aspirants, many zoologists are curious to know about the average salary range of a zoologist.
Many would be disappointed to know that in the initial years, the salary range is low despite the years of studies and effort. However, it is to be understood that this is never a dominating factor for many zoologists. Majority of the zoologists choose working for animals and helping in wildlife conservation.
However, this doesn't mean that zoologists don't earn decent salaries. Many zoologists who work in governmental research institutions earn very decent salaries. So, it depends on the type of research unit you are working with.
Some institutions that work on grants, funds and donations pay relatively lower salaries to zoologists. The salary of a zoologist also depends on the location of the place. Cities where the living cost is high, generally pay more to their employees. On an average, a zoologist can earn around USD 51,000 per annum.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top paying states for the zoologist job are - 
  • District of Columbia - USD 111,000
  • Maryland - USD 99,800
  • Massachusetts - USD 85,180
  • Rhode Island - USD 84,250
  • Connecticut - USD 81,480
While choosing a career as a zoologist, you must set your priorities right. If your aim is to make a lot of money then maybe you will find this field not that rewarding as compared to some other fields, in terms of money. However, if you read the interviews of famous zoologists, you will find that their major inspiration was love for animals.
As the challenges of animal conservation are increasing, the demand for more research will rise in future. So, if you have an interest in this field, you should opt for it. Money and other accolades will surely follow with time. All the best for a flourishing career!!