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Summer Jobs for High School Students

Rujuta Borkar
If you are in high school and you need a job, but don't really know what are the best options available, then our list will help you out plenty.
High school is a great time. You're at a point in your life when you're young enough to not have many responsibilities and yet adult enough to be able to take several decisions and make certain choices for yourself.
It is at a time like this that many students want to take up a job for themselves. They want to be able to earn their own money to spend it the way they want.
If you're considering taking up a job soon, you'll need a list of summer jobs for high school students. There is no better time than the summer, 'cause it gives one plenty of time to spend exclusively on a job and earn more. Are you aware of the kind of opportunities available for you? If you aren't, then this list of summer jobs is the perfect go-to list.

High Paying Summer Jobs

Pizza Parlors

This might come across as a cliche, but it has become a cliché for a reason. Pizza parlors are always looking for help and there are certain tasks that you can do that will earn you great bucks.
It isn't just the pizza delivery that is the only choice anymore. If you are good at math, you can handle their accounts. Or if your business skills are good, then you can figure out different ways to help boost business. Or of course, the delivery person job is always a safe bet.

Starting Classes

Can you play the piano well? Are you good at dance? Then why not utilize that and start some classes of your own?
All you'll need is a place and a little investment to advertise your class, which alternately can even be done by word of mouth. The best thing about summer jobs is that everyone has time and parents are eager to enroll their children in classes. You could be their answer. And you can charge pretty well for this one.

Sales Job

Take up the job of a sales person at any of the stores. If you get a job at a leading, expensive, store then there are chances that they'll pay you more. It does not require for you to be much, just have some great social skills and the ability to sell things, and you're set.

Computer Websites

You can simply register at one of these websites that are constantly conducting on-line surveys and need volunteers for it. It does not require a credit card number, so it's fairly easy and only requires you to have access to the net.

Tourist Guide

Is your town swamped by tourists in the summer? Do you know all the history of your town? Then why not try being a guide? 
All you need are great story-telling abilities. If you register as a guide with the government, then not only will you have a fixed salary from them, but the tips that you get from the tourists will be an extra bonus. Think about this one, it's very interesting and fairly easy.

Camp Counselor

Love kids? Have great leadership qualities? Why not try your hand at being a camp counselor?
Not only will you get paid, but it will be like a mini vacation as well. What with you being able to participate in all the activities available at the camp. And if you say you know nothing about it, then there's really no need to fret 'cause most places give you special training for it.

Part-Time Summer Jobs


This is probably the most common job, but it is very effective. If handling kids is your forte, then there's nothing better than this one. And you get to decide the mode of payment, is it according to the hour that you'll charge or a fixed all day charge?

Taking Tuition

Good at math or English? Why not use those skills to take tuition for the kids in your neighborhood? The mums will be happy to get some help, and being in touch with the subject will also help you at school when it resumes.

Odd Jobs

There are several odd jobs that you can offer to do like mowing lawns for others, repair work, buying vegetables or groceries for them, and getting paid for the same. You might not realize it, but all these odd jobs lead up to quite a bit of earnings.

Home Library

Do you have a huge collection of books that's simply gathering dust on the shelves? Put it to good use and start a makeshift library from your home.
The neighbors will be pleased to have something so close instead of going all the way to town, and the books will be doing what they were meant to do―be read.
These were some of the summer jobs that high school students can take up quite easily. We hope you've been able to draw some ideas from them.