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Resume Suggestions for a Nurse Practitioner

Here is a look into setting up the best resume for anyone looking ahead to become a nurse practitioner.
Austin Winder


As a nurse practitioner, you have reached a high point in your medical career, and your resume should reflect that. You want a resume that stands out to employers and proves that they are hiring a highly skilled individual who can take on many tasks at one time, and even prescribe medications without a doctor's direct supervision.
If you don't know where to start, download a template of a nurse practitioner resume from a company like Melnic to get moving in the right direction.

You can even do something as simple as typing out "nurse practitioner resume" into a Google image search and check out what you see. Imitate the resume styles that will be appealing to a future employer.

Put your outstanding accomplishments first

Many resumes start with descriptions of licenses and degrees, but by definition, every nurse practitioner has these qualifications, so there's no need to emphasize them.

Focus on what makes you stand out from other applicants. For example if you worked in HR in the past and handled drug testing, that could be a unique skill and conversation starter.
Include an objective statement that describes the type of role you're look for followed by a summary that gets into your career background and explains why you're prepared for the position you're seeking.

Be detailed and specific

Customize your resume to compliment the exact job you are applying for. Being specific about particular achievements is important as well, such as the exact types of procedures you performed in the past.
Customizing your resume takes time, but it is worth it in the long haul. A vague resume full of phrases like "excellent care" and "committed to my patients" won't get you noticed. 

Be up-front

If there is something in your background that is a liability, be up-front. You want to use as little space as possible focusing on the negative, but it's far better to let potential employers know you immediately than having them find out themselves later.
Furthermore, in today's digital age, employers can quickly run background and other types of checks that will uncover any problems in the past, so there's no point trying to conceal them.

For example do not say you completed a degree you have not – be honest even if it means not having that degree will make you less likely to get the job.

Presentation is key

Much of the impression your resume makes comes from how it looks at first glance, so make sure that your document is concise and well-organized.

Hiring managers are busy, and they want to look at resumes that are visually and aesthetically pleasing, not get bogged down trying to decipher a wall of dense text.
Accordingly, use subheadings, bullet points and lists to make your content easy to scan. Also be sure to use resume paper that is aligned correctly .

Social media and LinkedIn

Social media is becoming increasingly important in job searches, so make sure that your LinkedIn profile includes a head shot where you look professional and is up to date and consistent with your resume.
Also, avoid putting too much personal details about yourself on any career-related social media sites. Post your resume online and make sure it looks elegant; most people will spend less than ten seconds looking at it before deciding whether or not to move on.