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Part-time Jobs for Teachers

Sheetal Mandora
Whether you wish to work from home, or find something that keeps you on-the-go, finding a part-time job is always a sensible move. Read on to find out what type of work you can lookout for.

Working from Home

When you're a teacher, you not only have responsibilities in school, but also at home. But you can't just choose between the two; you have to think about making yourself and your family financially secure.
So instead of having to choose to stay at home after coming back from school, why not work from home?
It's easy and convenient; plus you can manage to club your responsibilities well. You can not only make extra income, but also be able to keep an eye on what's going on in the house as well. Keeping that in mind, we will see some part-time work for teachers who have other responsibilities as well.
  • Catering for parties and special events
  • Writing articles as a freelancer
  • At-home beauty salon
  • Weekend day care center
  • Painting and drawing workshops
  • Make birthday and special occasion cards/gifts
  • Online or one-on-one tutoring
  • Cakes and cookies bake sale
  • Stitch baby clothes
  • Cooking or dancing workshops
Apart from these jobs, there are other self-employment ideas you can venture in.

Outdoor Jobs

If you don't have to be home at all times after coming back from school, you can opt to work outside home. Even though there are different ways to make money from home, you can search for another job that doesn't require you to stay home for it. The point is to make money, and whether that is at home or elsewhere, it doesn't really make a difference.
The only thing is that even after working at school, you need to have enough energy to work attentively. So before you get into anything, make sure that you are committed and will be able to handle the responsibilities from both jobs properly.
  • Homeschooling or tutoring
  • Library assistant
  • Dental assistant
  • Computer lab assistant
  • Photography workshops
  • Aerobic instructor
  • Part-time or seasonal cashier
  • Event organizer assistant
  • Delivery services (pizzas, flowers, etc.)
As you can see, you can easily opt to work from or outside your home. All you need to do is workout your schedule and see what kind of jobs fit them. Hopefully, these ideas were helpful and you could find something useful from it.