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Part-time Job Search for Teenagers

Kundan Pandey
Finding a suitable part-time job for teens is a huge task. If you are a teen looking for a job, you may find it difficult to choose one that best suits your aptitude. There are various jobs available and with right research, you can get them. Information about the same has been discussed here.
As a teenager, you must be planning for a part-time job, if not for experience, then for the extra money. A part-time job for teens is a great idea to utilize spare time that teenagers while away, after their studying is done.
Besides monetary benefits, learning new skills, gaining valuable work experience, and understanding the industry you wish to enter in your future, are added advantages of such types of jobs. Also, you can make your parents, friends, and yourself proud, by taking on more responsibilities. However, the search for such a job is not a simple task.
Inexperience, inability to write and format a resume, and nervousness while facing an interview, may be a few reasons that might be causing you problems to take a step ahead and go for such jobs.
At times, elders and parents may help you in searching for such jobs in nearby local stores or a retail grocery market, but if you have different plans, and you wish to get the job you exactly desire, it is best to search on your own.

Where Should Teenagers Look for Jobs

Searching for jobs can be exciting if you do land up with your favorite one, otherwise it becomes a routine affair for a majority of teens. Even if a few apply for the job, they may be unable to clear the job interview stage. Here are some tips hat tell you where to look for jobs, and how to apply for them.
Part-time job search begins from your school/college campus. Yes! Generally, every institution has a career service office or a job assistance office, that can guide teens to search for part-time jobs. Do give the job assistance office of your college a visit.
According to child labor laws, if you are a teen, aged between 14 to 15 years, then you can only work for a maximum of 3 hours a day and 18 hours a week. For teenagers in the age group 16 to 17 years, the maximum number of working hours are not fixed. The condition is that they must not be made to work in life-threatening conditions, like in chemical plants.
In some states, teens below 18 years of age have to obtain an employment/age certification in order to legally work for such jobs.
Try to contact your seniors, teachers and friends, and inform them that you are seeking a part-time job. Remember that maintaining good contacts and references can earn you a job faster.
Get a printed copy of your resume, and if you feel that you have problems in resume writing, don't hesitate to take the help of your teachers and elders. A well drafted resume creates a good impression in the eyes of the employer. Make sure your resume is compatible to the skills needed for the job.
Dress smartly, while making sure that you are comfortable with what you are wearing, or else you may end up performing poorly in the interview, due to lack of self-confidence.
Be ready to face rejections and learn from the experiences. Make calls and remain connected with various companies, even if you were rejected there. Show a willingness to work in future, if you are given a chance, or if there are other vacancies in the company.
Once you get a job, manage your time effectively, so that your studies are not neglected due to hectic work schedule.
Job searches can be done through any of the popular electronic and print mass media, like newspapers and the Internet. However, the Internet is widely popular and it's easier to search for a job online.
Newspapers may or may not publish information regarding part-time jobs, but various websites do give handy information about such jobs. You can get various websites, once you Google in the keywords. There are various entry-level job search engines that can help you find information about jobs pertaining to your profile.
The database of such websites categorizes jobs based on educational qualifications and your interests. Job search sites and engines often come with summer job offers on their websites. The jobs are listed according to the state, and this aids in narrowing your search down, to the information pertaining to jobs in your area/city.
Delivering newspapers, giving private tutorials, and babysitting are very simple jobs for teenagers (13 to 16 years old). With a fair amount of work experience and education, they can apply in companies for internships, and earn a good amount of money.
Photography, freelance writing, freelance copywriting, animation, and other media fields offer teens a great platform to do short internships and showcase their talents.
If you have an inclination for such fields, then do go for them. Part-time jobs for teens are surely a great option for improving your personality, and opening new avenues for a bright career.