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Education Requirements to Become a Meteorologist

Arjun Kulkarni
A meteorologist studies the scientific behavior of the atmosphere. Here is more information about educational requirements of a meteorologist.
Meteorology is a pretty intriguing science, which studies one of the forces of nature that man is still trying hard to wrap his head around - the weather.
While the 'weatherman' may be derided the world over for being grossly inaccurate, one needs to appreciate that meteorology is a tough science. You know what they say - it's not too easy to know which way the wind blows.
Meteorology is a tough science, and if you are exploring a career opportunity as a meteorologist, you ought to equip yourself with the right knowledge and aptitude that most paymasters in this field ask for.

Job Description

  • Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere which envelops our planet and how the different changes in the atmosphere lead to climatic changes on earth.
  • Meteorologists have to monitor satellite images and try to understand the physical characteristics, motions, and processes of the atmosphere, which help them predict the weather.
  • Their job involves predicting the weather over the longer and shorter durations.
  • They also have to provide localized information about the weather conditions in a particular region.
  • Their job involves extensive use of computer mapping techniques to understand what factors currently affect the atmosphere and what will be the result of this effect on it.
  • The job of the meteorologist is more crucial from the point of view of sailors, fishermen, air carriers, and farmers, as all their occupations are directly related to the findings of the meteorologist.


  • To begin with, you must preferably take subjects, like math and science in high school.
  • You must also have a keen interest in computers.
  • You may enroll for a bachelor's course in physics, earth sciences, geography, or geophysics.
  • It is also essential to take extra courses in meteorology, weather analysis and prediction, and remote sensing of atmosphere.
  • These courses will help you get well-acquainted with the basic concepts governing the field of meteorology.
  • Of course, if you aspire to work at a high position, especially in research, then a PhD will help your cause.
The job of a meteorologist can be very demanding, and they often have to work odd hours and on all seven days of the week. But for the work they put in, for the seemingly impossible task of getting the weather forecast right, meteorologists do get a pretty decent package.
The BLS predicts a fairly good job growth for this field. You may equip yourself with your degrees and knowledge, and you will no doubt be able to foray into this interesting science of weather prediction.