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Career Options with a Law Degree

Deeptee A
There are plenty of career options that you can opt for with a law degree. Keep reading to find these jobs, and choose the option which suits you the best.
If you are the type who likes to work in the capacity of law, but however, not as a lawyer, then you can choose a different career for yourself. There are plenty of career opportunities that you can get based on your law degree, if you do not want to pursue the career of an attorney.
Listed here are the alternative jobs with a law degree that you can land up with. So, what can you do with a law degree? Keep reading...


Becoming a professor is the best job that you can take up with the help of your law degree. You do not need to spend hours working at an office, you do not need to worry about trial dates. 
All you need to do is pass with a good grade in the bar, keep yourself updated with the latest news concerning various cases and trials, and keep yourself updated with the amendments made. A teaching job can work out to be a great career path for both, men and women.


Being a paralegal is another option that you could consider. This is an option where you can utilize your law degree and put to use all that you know about the law. 
The paralegal job description includes assisting lawyers and attorneys in preparing the various cases well. Paralegals are also known as the legal assistants. This could also be a job that you can take up initially, just to test the waters to see if you are capable of taking up any law related job.

Police Officer

If you have a law degree, what better job than to ensure that the law is followed by all? Joining the police force and taking a police officer job can be the best option, as being a law graduate will help you to rise the ranks of the police force faster than others.

Court Jobs

You could be accepted for various jobs in the courts like the job of the court clerk. Your law degree will not only help you in such jobs, but will also keep you away from the other tensions associated with the lawyer job description.


You could provide your services to the corporates and provide them with all the legal advice that they may need. This job is not only lucrative, but is also a steady job.
However, you may need to work as a lawyer at some point of point, if you plan on representing the corporation you are working for, in the court of law. Else, you can just guide the organization in legal matters and in making legal documents, as well as conduct criminal background checks for their employees.

Government Jobs

General Attorney

Working as a general attorney has its own pros and cons.
The job description will entail you to provide the President with legal advice, and you will also head the largest legal office in the world. However, you will need substantial experience over a number of years in order to qualify for the job.

State Attorney General

Similar to the previous job, the job description of a state attorney general will make you responsible to defend the state you work for, in all the legal cases against another state. Also, the duties will include providing advice to the state government regarding legal matters.

Non Legal Jobs


Working for Non Government Organizations will help you in not only utilizing your skills as a lawyer but will also be rewarding work. You could persuade big organizations to contribute heavily to your cause. Also, your skills and knowledge could help such organizations for litigation funding and litigation support.


People keep fighting illegally. However, when the time comes to take legal action, people do not really like to take the matter to the court. They try to settle the disputes out of court. This is where the mediator steps in to help the people arrive at a truce, while staying within the boundaries of the law.


You can also consider the option of getting into the path of journalism. You could write for law journals, magazines, news papers, internet and so on. The list is long. Pick up the one that suits you the best and make the most of your chosen career.
We hope this information has been useful, and would help you in making the right decision about the way you want to shape your career. Who says you need to practice law because you are a lawyer? You can take up any of the mentioned jobs and make the best of your knowledge, to lead a wonderful and successful professional life. All the best!!!