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Interview Weaknesses

Find out where you might fall short in an interview...
Charlie S
Interviews are a part of almost everyone's life. One has to face interviews while seeking admission to colleges and universities, applying for a job in any company - private or government, seeking important documents, etc., but, the question is―why is it that some people crack each and every interview in their life and some people fail in most of them?
The answer to this question is, the attitude of successful people is altogether different than that of the unsuccessful candidates. There must be some weaknesses or shortcomings in the people who have not succeeded.
If one takes consistent efforts and is focused, then it is surely possible to get rid of these shortcomings, and achieve success in every interview. First of all, we should be aware of the weaknesses which create obstacles in the path to success for many people.

Lack of Proper Knowledge

Lack of proper and adequate knowledge is a common weakness. Many times, the candidates are unaware of the facts related to their own field. For example, if a student of physics can't answer questions related to important terms in physics like rectilinear motion, gravity, acceleration, etc., then how would it be possible for him/her to clear the interview?
The only solution to this grave problem is to pay full attention while we learn these concepts, and revise them many times, so that they are permanently stored in our memory. The knowledge should be such that we should be able to reproduce it on paper or tell it orally, the case being for job interviews.
Lack of proper knowledge creates a bad impression about the candidate, and puts a question mark on the capability of the candidate (his capability) to deliver a good performance, if selected.

Lack of Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are essential to crack any interview, but, it is seen to be absent in many people. Even if you have a good amount of knowledge regarding your subject, you should be able to answer the questions of the interviewer by communicating well, and being grammatically correct, while expressing your views, and at the same time being precise.
One should have a confident look on his/her face, and should sound interested, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable. The interviewer should not get a feeling, under any circumstances, that you are getting nervous while answering his/her questions.

Lack of Confidence

Lack of confidence is again a shortcoming observed in many candidates. They get confused while answering the question - what are your weaknesses? The answer to this question should be given in an honest way; you should also state the measures you are taking to improve your weaknesses.
The interviewer may cross-check whether you are firm and confident about your opinions, by posing complementary questions. Confidence in a candidate ensures the interviewer that he will be able to take bold steps and act confidently in favor of the company, if recruited.

Lack of Knowledge Regarding How to Present Yourself

Many people do not know how to present themselves in front of the interviewers.
Wearing wrinkled and shabby clothes for the interview, not following the set dress code, talking with an arrogant tone, constantly moving the hands and legs while talking, avoiding eye contact with the interviewer, and speaking too softly or too loudly, are some of the shortcomings related to presentation, observed during an interview.
You can seek guidance from a career counselor or personality development centers, which may help you to overcome your fears about interviews. By overcoming these weaknesses, you will be able to crack interviews quite easily, and eventually achieve your set career goals.