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Interview Questions for Management Positions

Kundan Pandey
Interviews are an attempt on the part of the employer to assess the candidates' skills and potential. This write-up contains sets of interview questions for managerial positions that will help you test your candidate's ability to handle supervisory and managerial tasks.
The role of a manager in a firm is extremely crucial. Besides delegating various responsibilities, a manager is expected to monitor the working of the employees, and also act as a liaison between other departments of the company.
Managers are expected to be multitasking individuals who have an uncanny knack to take fast and effective decisions. Be it the assistant manager, senior manager, or the human resource manager, all managers have the task of effectively managing the firm, so that the company is able to perform at its peak.
Whether you are an employer going about recruiting some managers for your firm, or you are a working professional aspiring to become a manager, these questions will surely be useful for you.

Good Interview Questions

When preparing for the interviews, you can't leave any space for complacency. You have to enter the interview hall fully prepared. After you read these questions, you will definitely boost your confidence by preparing more vigorously for the interview.

What do you understand by management style?

The answer that the employer is expecting is not your management style, instead they want to know if you are aware of their corporate style of working. So, do your research and understand the basic principles of the workings of the organization. You can also mention your ability to motivate staff, delegate tasks, etc. to highlight your leadership skills.

Why should we choose you as the manager of our firm?

Mention your USP (unique selling proposition) and you win half the battle. Mention that one extraordinary quality in you as a leader, and support that by past credentials and achievements.

What would you look for while hiring people?

Mention those things that every employer generally expects from an employee, like leadership potential and working ability as a team player. You can also mention what you feel to be the qualities in an employee that you will hire.

Have you ever fired any employee? If so, why?

Be a professional and explain the circumstances that led to the firing of the employee. Don't sound too judgmental, but ensure that the reason and explanation you give for firing the employee, is as per the professional laws and rules of the firm you were working with.

Tell us about any two of your memorable projects in your past firm?

This is a good question that can give you an opportunity to impress the employer. Since you are going for a managerial position, these questions will really help you to display your management skills. Just be brief, short, and highlight the achievements in a logical manner. Don't exaggerate any facts.

Some More Interview Questions

● What, according to you, is the most challenging aspect of a manager's job?
● Tell us about your short term and long term goals?
● What do you do when you are in compromising situations?
● How would you evaluate your employees' performances?
● What kind of people do you find difficult to work with?
● How do you prioritize your tasks?
● What do you do when you find some members of your team not working in tandem with you?
● Do you believe in taking risks?
● What according to you must be the work culture of an organization?
● What is your idea of motivation?
● What according to you is success and failure?
● How many people worked under you in the past? Were you a team leader?
● Describe your management philosophy?
● What makes you unique as a leader?
● Mention some of your awards and the recognitions that you are proud of, if any?
● Why do you want to work with this company?
● What are your greatest strengths as a manager and as an individual?
● How do you deal with stress and conflict?
● Why should we choose you over other candidates?
The idea behind any question is to test your managerial ability, intelligence, emotional maturity, and the leadership traits that are essential for the post of a manager.
You may prepare yourself for many other questions by improving your personality and knowing yourself much better and deeper. Ponder over these questions and start answering them one by one. Do write them down, as it helps a lot with boosting your confidence.