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How to Find the Career You Love

Lewis Robinson
Most of us are in envy of those who have narrowed things down when it comes to doing what they love and get paid for it. We all have a job to do and our minds wander off thinking, "I would love to just build furniture all day and get paid for it." Everyone has some kind of dream job or skill that they could do all day and never have a gripe.


The first thing you need to do is come up with the subject that you want to concentrate on. You might already know it, but you need to be sure that you are going to stick with it.
Find a subject that you need to dedicate your time to. If you pick the wrong subject and don't like it, that career can end short and you will find yourself doing something else.


Research everything from how, how many hours will you work, and when will you get paid. Ask yourself if you're going to do it self-employed or work for someone else. You might think about finding a path that interests you, and furthering your education by obtaining a gis certificate online to better gain experience with geospatial intelligence.

Start Small

Okay so you know that you love to knit and it makes you feel happy all day long. The next thing you need to do is test it out to see if you could actually make money with this hobby or craft. Try your friends first and see what they say. Today, you can literally open up a small store online and begin selling within minutes.

Take Your Time

When you start small you can see everything more clearly and you won't find yourself burning out. This gives you the opportunity to see if this will really work without you going all in. It can cost a lot of money if you throw everything into the pot and not understand what you are doing. Consider how much money you have to spend as well.