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How to Find a Satisfying Career

Naomi Sarah
A satisfying career is one that you can wake up to in the morning without that dreadful thought of 'should I even bother going to work?' Let's find out how to make a choice about whether a job is really for you or not in this write up...
No one wants to have to drag themselves out of bed, grudgingly pushing themselves to go to work in the morning. Maybe you made a mistake and chose a job that you thought would keep you happy, but made you stay put nonetheless.
Or maybe you told yourself they'd pay you more if you stuck around longer, but they didn't and you continued to work there anyway, or it was probably because you got so used to the routine that you didn't want to go through the trouble of looking elsewhere for a new job.
Whatever your reasons for not being able to find a career path that made you happy and satisfied, it is time you did something about it right now.
There's a lot that adds up to a bad job; unending stress, boredom, pressure from higher-ups, tense moments with colleagues, competition that isn't healthy and so on. A lot of us don't want to do it anymore; reporting to the management just got plain old screwed up, and you want out.
Like that book written for instance by Elizabeth Gilbert titled Eat, Pray, Love, where she took a whole year off just to rediscover herself, and do something different for a change. Why can't all of us decide to up and leave, and set out on a path of self-discovery?
Why aren't you and I broadening our shallow perspectives of a world we know nothing of? Well, there are restraints like family or money that hold us back, but still - we can change our jobs and experience a whole new way of living life because the benefits of doing what you love, will come forth as time goes by.

Satisfying Career Choices

So how do you find a job that you're happy in, and good at? The question lies in - what can you see yourself doing besides crunching numbers or filing documents? Are you any good at painting? Did you want to start a catering company but changed your mind? Was helping out challenged kids or adults more your forte? Find that deep place within yourself where you can say out loud, that yes, this is what I want to do. Go ahead and pursue that path you didn't care to tread on, and uncover a whole new untapped area in your life.
To start off on finding a satisfying career, you have to first find something that you're good at, that is also fulfilling financially. If you've reached a point in your life where you have money to retire but you still want to work and find something worth your while, then you can always start out on a business of your own and head it in a way that is sure to give you lucrative benefits.
Start it out with a partner that is also interested in going solo, and work your way up doing something you are passionate about. Take up a course or a special class that includes training on special skills that you want to acquire, and turn that into a career that you'd love to work on.
Let's take a look at some of the jobs that prove to be quite rewarding to those who consider these as possibilities, in the hope of pursuing the most satisfying career that they can get their hands on.
1. Physical Therapy: This field has taken on a whole new face today, with many people looking towards therapists to keep them healthy and hearty. Enroll in a class that teaches you on how to become a physical therapist, and work your wonders on those who need it most. You could either go to people's homes, or set up a space in your own home, and invite potential members.
2. Nursery/Daycare/Teaching: If you've always liked kids and get along really well with them, think about becoming a teacher or a role that involves daycare. Advertising is a powerful tool; use this medium to your advantage and come off as a professional, and not someone a parent cannot trust. Read a ton of books on how to handle toddlers, and do ample research on how to approach this particular field.
3. Joining the Church/Marriage Counselor/Bible Study: Christians can play an active part of the church, which would not only help you exercise your spiritual self, but solidify your faith. You could take a position in the church office, and offer to volunteer for their many functions, and workshops.
Why not even offer to head a bible class? Take time off to familiarize yourself with the scripture, and then pass on the word yourself. There's also room for those who wish to counsel couples interested in marriage.
4. Special Education: Feel the need to take care of the mentally challenged/disabled, and unfortunate? You could always help out as a special education teacher and be of aid to those who need assistance and guidance.
5. Special Skills Classes: Everyone has the ability to paint or play an instrument or even sing, although practice is involved to perfect the three. A mere 6 months can change you completely by taking up a class to sharpen your talent. Once you do that, take classes and start a place of your own that can rein in money like say, an art class or music academy.
6. Cooking: This is something one wishes they had the time to do, or loves doing. You could take cooking classes and impart your culinary skills to others, or even start a mini bistro, food joint or bakery.
Thus, finding a satisfying career is not hard; it takes commitment and unwavering focus when putting your mind down to switching jobs. Be sure to do research on what you do decide to take up, to make the most of the career switch.