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High Salary Jobs You Can Choose

Leena Palande
Are you looking for information on high salary jobs? Then you have clicked on right page. This story will provide you some useful information on jobs that are highly paid. You will get a list of high salaried jobs in America here, which will help you plan a high income career right away!
I know, money is not the only thing which can help you live a satisfied life, but it is one of the most alluring things which can motivate you to study hard and attain a high qualification. With higher education, you can easily acquire knowledge and you can also acquire one of the highest paying jobs available in the chosen field.
With globalization and changing economic conditions, there is no guarantee that the jobs you like, would pay according to your expectations. Many times people prefer to change their field if high salaried jobs are not available in their chosen field. Hence, it is crucial for you to know about the best paying jobs before you choose your career.
It should be noted that the salary that a person would receive from the 'high salaried jobs' mentioned below, may vary from country to country. Also, the salary may not be high at entry-level positions, as lot of experience and appropriate qualifications are necessary to reach the position where you can get the highest pay.

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Highest Paying Jobs in America

Medical jobs, ranging from dentists to surgeons, dominate the list of the 20 highest paying jobs in America.
Surgeons- $ 206,770

Anesthesiologists- $ 197,570

Orthodontists- $ 194,930

Obstetricians and Gynecologists- $ 192,780

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons- $ 190,420

Internists, General- $ 176,740

Prosthodontist- $ 169,810
Physicians and Surgeons- $ 165,000

Family and General Practitioners- $ 161,490
Chief Executives- $ 160,440
Lawyers- $ 124,750

Natural Sciences Managers- $ 123,140

Engineering Managers- $ 120,580

Airline Pilots, Co-pilots, Flight Engineers- $ 119,750
Petroleum Engineers- $ 119,140

Computer and Information Systems Manager- $ 118,710

Marketing Managers- $ 118,160

Financial Managers- $ 110,640

Sales Managers- $ 110,390

Top Management Occupations- $100,310
The salaries earned in above jobs may vary according to the location. You get higher salaries in big cities and comparatively less salaries in small towns. The high salary jobs in Canada are almost the same as those in America.
In fact, anywhere in the world, medical jobs are the highest paid jobs and the list of high salaried jobs usually contains airline jobs and executive jobs.
High salary jobs in India include medical jobs, airline jobs, IT jobs, government jobs, executive jobs, banking jobs or finance sector jobs, etc. The salaries vary according to the location, educational qualification and experience in the particular field.
It's not true that an expensive university degree is always necessary to acquire a high salary job. There are several occupations, employment opportunities and career options which do not require a formal degree or some jobs don't even require prior work experience. Well, what are these 'high salary jobs without a degree?' Let us find out.

High Salaried Jobs Without a Degree

  • Real Estate Agent or Realtors
  • Gaming Managers
  • Event Manager
  • Fashion Designer
  • Police Officer
  • Private Investigator
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Power Plant Operator
  • Plumber
  • Electrician
  • Web and Graphic Designer
  • Writer
  • Personal Secretary
Remember, you should always choose a career after self-analysis. You might want to be a chef or a car racer or a photographer and for that, you should have a focused approach. Explore yourself, explore the career options and plan your goal accordingly. Think about the number of steps required to reach there and for each step, try to fix a short-term goal.
This way, you can easily reach your final goal. Happiness and job satisfaction are the most important things which are to be taken into consideration before accepting a job. Confucius has said it in a correct way, "Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day of your life."