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How to be a Game Warden

Aastha Dogra
Protection of forests and wildfire has become paramount with the gradual extinction of various animal species and the increased focus on global warming. It's here that a game warden plays a very important role. In this story, we will look at the job description and requirements of being a game warden.
If you enjoy the outdoors or like to stay in the company of nature, then taking up this profession is something you can consider.
A game warden is a kind of law enforcement officer, who is assigned a particular hunting area which he has to patrol, protect, and preserve. For this, he collects information on the condition of plants and wildlife in his area and maintains reports for the same.
Also, he ensures that the hunting and wildlife codes formulated by the state and federal governments are followed by the people. Preserving the wildlife, ecosystems, crops, plants, and animals fall under his purview.
It's not as if this role entails working only in the field. He has to perform a lot of duties from his office too. For instance, educating people, especially those who stay in the vicinity of the forest, and tourists on the various wildlife laws and regulations.
Yet, the main role of a game warden remains to warn people against any wildlife law violations they might be committing. Investigating wildlife violations, collecting evidence for the same, making an arrest if a person is found guilty, fall under his purview as well.
Sometimes, they might have to be present in the court to bring the wildlife violators to book.
He also has to serve as a protector of the people from wild animals, especially when they cross into an inhabited area. In many states, there is a combined job profile of fish and game wardens. The basic duties remain the same as mentioned above; however, they have an added responsibility of patrolling the rivers, lakes, beaches, and coastlines.

Education and Other Requirements

As most of the work entails being in the outdoors, he should be prepared to work in all kinds of weather conditions. For patrolling, a game warden is given an all-terrain vehicle or a car. However, in some circumstances, he has to patrol on a horse, by foot, or even from the air.
The minimum requirements to enter this field vary from state to state, although some basic criteria are applicable everywhere, such as, the candidate needs to be over the age of 21, a US citizen, should not have committed any felony,
and must have a four-year college degree or a two-year associate degree with an experience of two years in fish and wildlife law enforcement.
Once you are hired, you need to go through a classroom training program and on-the-job training, before you are accepted as a law enforcement officer.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Employment Statistics, in the year 2009, fish and game wardens earned a mean annual salary of USD 54,950 at the national level.
Considering the fact that this is a recession-proof career, it is an ideal option for those who are physically fit, enjoy the outdoors, and want to do something for the environment.