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Fun Careers that Pay Well

Komal Bakhru
If those boring clichéd jobs aren't your thing, you would definitely and you want to know about some fun careers that pay well.
Not everybody enjoys the long hours at their work desk, but are often forced to be there only because the job pays well. So, what happens if you find a job that's way more fun, quite possibly gives you the rush that you've always wanted, as well as pays brilliantly?
There are innumerable such jobs that give good salary and will keep you occupied without making you feel like you're in a rut. Right from fun jobs in business to fields like wine-making or even the decision to be a sommelier, the list is endless. In fact, some of the highest-paying jobs are the least clichéd ones! Here are some fun careers that pay well.

List of Jobs


Are you one of those people who enjoys feeding just as you enjoy eating? Simply put, are you a food lover? If your answer is yes, and food is indeed what you love, then why not make it a full-time love affair?
There is no better job than spending everyday doing what you adore. You can let your creativity and imagination run wild. From ingredients used to the last bits of seasoning, you could let your creativity flow freely. An added advantage is that you'll never have a dull moment at work.
The general hierarchy followed for chefs is:
  • Executive Chef (also known as Chef de Cuisine)
  • Sous Chef
  • Expediter (generally the Sous Chef)
  • Pastry Chef
  • Line Cooks
  • Chef de Garde Manager
Salary: What you earn is mostly dependent on your title. As an Executive chef you could earn roughly USD 40,000 to USD 87,000 annually. A Sous chef can earn from USD 30,000 to USD 55,000. An Executive Pastry Chef's salary can range from USD 33,000 to USD 80,000, while a Line Cook can make around USD 14,000 to USD 41,000.

Interior Designer

Do you feel the urge to redo a badly decorated room, because you're extremely sure that the only way the room would look good is if it were blessed by your magic touch? Interior designing is probably what you should get into.
A fun and lively field of work, it allows you to get in touch with your creative side like never before. You can play around with paints and fabrics in so many ways.
With an array of colors and textures at your disposal, you have large surfaces to use as your canvas! This option is a good one to be considered as a good option for women.
Salary: The basic average salary that could be expected annually is roughly USD 47,000. However, years of experience could help you bring in even up to USD 80,000 per annum.

Meeting/ Event Planner

If you know you have a flair for planning events and do so often for yourself or family and friends, you could well get into event planning. What better way to make some money, right?
As entertaining a job as it may seem, planning events, especially when done for someone else, requires immense organization and patience. You cannot forget that even though you have the leeway to do as you please, it is your client who needs to be satisfied, so you cannot exactly go all out with your ideas.
The key factor to be kept in mind here is that the entire set up needs to reflect your client's personality, but maybe with your signature style.
Salary: Believe it or not, working as a meeting or event planner could mean good money. The average annual salary for such planners ranges around USD 45,000. An added benefit of being part of such a field is that as time progresses, and you gain more experience and build up your clientèle, acting as a consultant means a more promising salary in the future.


Ever heard the saying Forget love ... I'd rather fall in chocolate? Well, if you feel the same way, maybe you should turn yourself to the ways of a chocolatier.
You need to be sure you're willing to take that risk of getting fed up of chocolate though, as well as be willing to give it up. The general trend with such jobs is obvious. The more you work around chocolate, the less you enjoy eating it. So yeah, if it is a risk you're willing to take, go right ahead.
Salary: At the beginning, average annual salary is around USD 30,000. Although, at Godiva and the likes, a top-notch chocolatier can bring in USD 75,000 to USD 133,000 a year!! The yearly income definitely points towards a fun-filled career option. So, if you do know that you are a top of the line chocolatier and can earn the big bucks, what's stopping you?


Imagine being so intimate with wines and everything associated with it, that you can make a career out of it.
Wouldn't it be fascinating to advise people about the different kinds of wine, which one pairs well with a certain kind of food, what the storage temperature for a certain wine should be, and all that good stuff. That's exactly what being a sommelier is all about.
Make no mistake though, working as a sommelier is no joke. It requires immense knowledge. The only possible way to acquire this kind of knowledge is by attending classes and passing an examination regarding the same.
Salary: As a sommelier, you can expect an annual median salary of around USD 48,000, though it would be advisable to have at least 3 years of experience in the field or even other related fields.


If you love beer, and can deal with the nuances of making beer, maybe you could give this a shot, because that's exactly what a brewmaster does. He makes beer!
By no means should you fool yourself into believing that it's an easy or glorious job though. Trust us, drinking all that beer is way simpler than the cumbersome job of making it. So if you really do want to get into the procedural part of making it, you sure must really love beer.
If you ask any brewmaster, he'd tell you the fact that the job is labor intensive and not quite as glamorous as you'd like to believe. So, be sure you can handle all that comes with the territory, as the territory is very large. Wonder if working as a brewmaster is just as bad as working as a chocolatier...can being around so much beer make you fed up of it?
Salary: With a solid foundation of chemistry and biology, which is simply preferable, not mandatory, a good brewmaster can pull in approximately USD 46,000 to USD 60,000 a year, along with other perks.


Your own vineyard isn't quite a prerequisite in order to become a winemaker. Often known as a vintner, you could also rather simply be taking care of business that belongs to someone else, and achieve the same title. Fancy, ain't it?
Salary: We'll get to it without leaving it to your imagination. A winemaker's annual earnings could go all the way up to around USD 99,000 a year!
Note: The aforementioned salaries are approximate figures and may vary as per experience and location.
We hope this list has helped you at least a little bit, and that you don't let go of the good career opportunities that come your way. All the best!