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Forbes 10 Happiest Jobs

Saptakee Sengupta
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This story talks about the Forbes 10 happiest jobs. The jobs have been specified in the Forbes magazine based on the satisfaction and happiness level of people employed in the respective sectors. Read on...
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The online publication of the globally recognized Forbes magazine has listed out the top 10 happiest jobs in America. Evaluation of the happiest jobs was made on the basis of an individual's personal satisfaction with his job. Contentment in job comes when a person enjoys his work, keeping his salary at secondary position.
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The fact that, sometimes the most well paying jobs fail to bring in happiness to an individual, holds a great deal of significance while sorting out the happiest jobs. However, lucky are those whose satisfaction comes from both the levels, viz, money and work.
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Note: The data provided in this story has been collected precisely from the list cited by Forbes. The survey was conducted by the leading career site, CareerBliss. The three parameters based on which the jobs have been ranked are-
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  • The specific tasks a job entails on a day-to-day basis.
  • How much control the employee has over his or her daily tasks.
  • Relationships with co-workers and customers, including supervisors and colleagues.
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1. Biotechnology

People working in this sector are overwhelmingly happy owing to the satisfaction they receive with their job. Their work pertains mainly to research where they have the liberty to conduct experiments in their field of interest.
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Biotechnology is an interesting field of science that absorbs students throughout the world. Employees have an excellent control over the environment in which they work and opportunities of growth are vast.
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Research and Development (R&D), Quality Control (Q.C) and marketing are the three broad divisions where people are employed. The pay scale is quite decent, which is also one of the key reasons behind satisfaction of employees.
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2. Customer Service

People employed as customer service executives are intensely happy with their job. They willingly help customers and they are efficient in solving their problems. Their relationship with other employees is quite amicable and they enjoy providing assistance to customers in every possible way.
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Customer service providers are specialized in different areas and they have a good hold over their job. Apart from possessing a helping nature, they are also capable of solving conflicts arising from miscommunication at various levels. Considering all these facts, customer service has been ranked at the second position in the list of Forbes 10 happiest jobs.
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3. Education

Imparting education to children belonging to different grades or to people of any age group is always a pleasing experience. The productivity of students is a result of conjoined effort of their educators and their individual effort.
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The quality of education that they receive is to a large extent responsible for their healthy upbringing. Grooming students in the positive direction is the prime responsibility of teachers.
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Those who are passionate about teaching kids, derive immense satisfaction out of it. It's also a respectable job and their work is also valued by others. Education is a vast sector that has been well recognized in the list.
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4. Admin-Clerical

The administrative sector is streaming in ample job opportunities, where people enjoy clerical works. People who support administrative officers are happy doing their job. They gladly accept the fact that their responsibility is huge since they handle the works of higher authorities.
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Recruitment of admin-clerical staffs takes place almost in every sector, ranging from health care, industries, colleges, universities and corporate offices and so the employment opportunities are also immense. They work in a conducive environment and it's also a desk job, that do not entail traveling hassles.
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5. Purchasing-Procurement

People might be surprised to know that jobs associated with purchasing-procurement ranked amongst the happiest jobs in America. Acquisition of goods and services is done by employees after encountering a reasonable deal. They are skilled at purchasing products at best prices to meet the needs of their company.
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The job is quite interesting since they are exposed to different types customers, from which they gain considerable experience in dealing aptly with their clients. Possessing superb negotiation skills and marketing abilities are necessary in the field of purchasing-procurement.
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6. Accounting

Taking care of a company's budget, monitoring finances and speculating the economic status of a company is the concern of the accounts department. Running a company without a potent account personnel is almost impossible.
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Maintaining records of salaries, ensuring payment of taxes and taking care of public records are some important responsibilities of the accounts section.
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This job is rated among the happiest jobs because people find satisfaction in carrying out their responsibilities. Other than that, they also enjoy a good status in an organization since they handle finance and its associated areas.
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7. Finance

Financial analysts assist in decision-making. Their suggestions and views are taken into prime consideration before finalizing a deal or a transaction. They also have an upper hand in monetary matters of a company, related to exchanges, shares and budgets of a company. The accounts and finance sector are closely associated with each other.
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The executives are well qualified, having considerable experience in making sound investments, which aids a company or an organization to prosper. Nevertheless the job being challenging, people are satisfied with their work because their decisions are crucial for a company and they hold a respectable position.
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8. Nonprofit-Social Services

Non profit services are positioned in the lower order because happiness when weighed in terms of relationship with co-workers and their daily tasks, is not so satisfying. The reason behind jobs in non profit organizations are still given the position of happiest jobs is due to the satisfaction that they receive in helping people who are in dire need.
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Imparting free education, helping the downtrodden and old people, implementing privileges for handicapped and doing other kinds of social services bring in high self satisfaction. And people despite facing many challenges and hindrances enjoy helping people in every possible way.
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9. Health Care

The health care industry also gets a rank because it's the sector that offers huge employment opportunities to people. Not necessary, that you need to be doctor to become happy, people employed in other departments like nursing and allied services are happy to assist and help their patients.
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People working in allied services like hospitality management and catering services also enjoy their work. Cardiologists, physiotherapists, radiologists earn a decent salary and their job is also satisfying. The willingness with which people work in this sector and their effort to recover their patients are the two things responsible for their contentment.
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10. Legal Sector

Higher designation legal jobs fetch happiness because doing justice to a person depends on their decisions. They also earn a ransom amount, which counts in the parameter of their happiness.
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People who work as paralegals, subordinates and assistants are less content as compared to higher officials, which lowers the rank of legal sector in Forbes happiest job listing. However, they derive a great deal of satisfaction from their daily job, which is challenging and diverse.
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Analyzing different matters and cases requiring judicial assistance is quite interesting and occupying. Offering legal judgment and helping higher authorities in simplifying their tasks is quite fulfilling.
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From the information provided, we have understood one important thing that money is not the sole thing that brings in happiness. The nature of your job and your attitude towards are two important things that determine the quotient of your happiness.