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Cover Letter Closing

Scholasticus K
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One of the most difficult parts of writing a cover letter is to create a closing that makes a good impact. Here are some important points regarding such a sample cover letter closing that will help you draft one for yourself.
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A cover letter closing is absolutely important as this makes a final and lasting impression on the reader. When you come to the concluding point of the letter, you might pause and think: 'how exactly can we say goodbye to a person?'.
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Well the answer is that you should never say goodbye. You should 'conclude'. This way the ball lands in the other person's court and the better the closing, the more are the chances it will be shot back to you with a positive note.
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Cover Letter

A cover letter is basically a formal introduction of your response to an inquiry or advertisement. It is essentially a formal letter and is usually sent with other documents such as a CV, resume, or even business documents such as quotations, business prospectus, or inquiries.
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This principally bridges the 'approach' aspect of a said professional deal, may it be an employment opportunity or a potential business deal. The contents are usually simple, straight forward, and to the point.
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In many cases the entire letter is rounded off in a few sentences, as there is no room for irrelevant thoughts. Thus the best way to write a cover letter is to stick to the facts in a very precise manner, yet the language should sound positive and thoughtful.
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The cover letter is broadly divided into three parts, namely, the introductory paragraph, where the reason or cause of the letter is explained.
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Following the first paragraph, the main clause is explained and the primary facts and figures that relate to the attachments are explained. The last paragraph which is known as the closing paragraph is written next. In some cases it can also be a single, closing statement. This is followed by a salutation.
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Closing Statement Examples

The cover letter closing differs from situation to situation and the wording of the statement is also written accordingly. For example if you are writing a career change cover letter, you will need to keep the last statement hopeful, positive, and sincere.
For example, you can write something like,

'... though I am new to the field, I really hope that you will consider my application for an apprenticeship ...'
In cases where the cover letter is for a business deal or proposition, the statement can be a bit more firm, you may write something like this,

'... we hope that the proposition is considered by your company, as it is equally beneficial for every involved party, thanking you for your time ...'
Well apart from the fact that the language has to be universally polite, there should also be a hint of extra politeness or humbleness in cases where the person to whom you are writing to is of an exceptionally superior designation.
Some people who want a reply as soon as possible, tend to include statements such as

'... you may contact me at (O)_______________ or my (m)_____________. Alternately you may also consider, sending an email at ____________________.
Apart from the closing statement, addressing the person with a requisite salutation at the end of the letter is also necessary. Some salutations include:
  • Respectfully
  • Thank you for your consideration
  • Thank you
  • Yours truly
  • Respectfully yours
  • Kind regards
The statement and salutation should basically depend upon your tone and the overall flow of the letter. The better the cover letter closing, the better the impression on the reader, hence do not hesitate to make any innovative, but appropriate closing statements and salutations.