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Civilian Jobs in the Military

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Armed forces offer myriad opportunities for civilians with specialized skills. There are several benefits of working as a civilian in the military.
A job in the military always elicits great respect and honor. Most people have a great fascination for the jobs in the armed forces, but not everyone possesses the mental and physical toughness required for them.
However, if you are skilled in a particular discipline or have an expertise in a certain field (required by the armed forces), you can think about getting a civilian job in the military.

Civilian Jobs in the Military

Civilians have been employed in the military since 1776. Earlier, the only jobs that were offered to them were that of a driver, carpenter, laborer, or craftsman.
However, on June 19, 2006, the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff established the Army Civilian Corps, to unite the civilians working in the U.S. Army.
Its members perform the roles and duties that an active Army personnel may not fulfill. These jobs have a professional scope and require high degree of competency and skills.

Occupation Families in Civilian Jobs

The Army Civil Service has categorized the civilian jobs into various occupation families. The main categories are supervisory, technical support, professional, and analytic jobs. Administration, human resource, program management, are part of the supervisory family. Computer, accounting, and finance make up the technical support.
Jobs involving biological and physical science, engineering, etc., come under analytic family, while medical and architectural jobs are part of professional family. Medical jobs include physician, dentist, and health care jobs. Apart from this, there are also protection and investigation jobs, such as foreign affairs, law enforcement, and public information.

Banding of a Civilian Job

Army Civil Service jobs begin at Band 1 and General Schedule (GS-1) level. However, certain professional ones that demand specialized skills and degrees start at higher levels. Examples are physician, professional scientist, or engineer.
Jobs in these fields start at Band 1 and GS-5 level. The highest band and GS level you can achieve would depend upon the number of years you serve as an Army Civil Service employee. The topmost position for a civilian job is Band 4 and GS-14 level. However Band 4 level is reserved only for scientific, engineering, investigation, and protection fields.


Civilian jobs in military offers wide range of benefits :
  • Compensation package, paid holidays, sick and vacation days, various incentives, and bonuses.
  • Special plans for long term health care, and medical insurances.
  • Military retirement benefit plans and other social security benefits.
  • Working options such as flexible timings, telecommuting, job sharing, etc.

How to Apply

If you wish to pursue a career in the military, check if you have got the necessary skills, degrees, and expertise required for the particular job that you are interested in. If you are equipped with all the prerequisites, the next step is to draft a strong and professional resume.
Then you can check for the various jobs listed on the Army Civil Service website and submit your application for an appropriate position. In case of questions or queries, you can contact the human resources department of the Army.
Apart from the mentioned jobs, abundant job opportunities are available for athletes and other sportsmen. Besides, the Army also offers several recreational and promotional jobs. Serving in the military as a civilian professional brightens your career prospects and gives you an edge over your peers.