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Careers in Psychology with a Bachelor's Degree

Ishani Chatterjee Shukla
Have you just graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology and wondering what to do with it? Check these careers in psychology with a bachelor's degree to decide upon which career option best balances your qualifications with your interests!
A career in psychology can be one of the most interesting as well as challenging professional situations in life!
Those who have studied this complex discipline and have explored its vague premises are well-aware of the different fields in psychology that study the various traps and intrigues of the human mind and how compelling it can be to venture into such uncharted territory to diagnose and treat the abnormalities of the labyrinthine human psyche!
Careers in psychology with a bachelor's degree offer many such opportunities to understand and manipulate the thought process and subconscious value system of people in such a way that the benefits derived therefrom can be positively and holistically relayed to the sufferer as well as the society as a whole!
Let's look at some such careers in psychology, that can be pursued even if you only have a bachelor's degree, which offer opportunities for exploring various vistas that diverge from and converge into the human psychology!

Opportunities in Psychology Careers With a Bachelor's Degree

The fact that you're holding a bachelor's degree in psychology means much more than the fact that now you are eligible for applying for a master's!
There are many careers in psychology field, as well as other related fields, which are open to individuals who hold just a bachelor's degree in this discipline! So, what can you do with a psychology degree, albeit a bachelor's one? Let's find out the psychology careers!
Working with NGOs and Social Work Bodies: Prominent among psychology careers with a bachelor's degree, the job of a social worker is rife with challenges of dealing with people who are victims of injustice, violence, poverty, disease, substance abuse, relationship abuse, trauma and much more!
All these situations leave a deep scar in the psyche of the victims and their acquaintances and a bachelor's degree in psychology comes handy in understanding the specific needs and the right way to handle such people.
Trauma Counseling and Management: The job of a trauma counselor involves listening to grisly accounts of personal and psychological injuries suffered by victims of trauma and abuse. Carried on as a daily phenomenon, this could get pretty depressing!
A bachelor's degree in psychology equips an individual to listen and understand the victims' situation in a rational, objective way without getting carried away by the sufferings and lamentations of the latter.
This makes trauma counseling one of the most challenging but noble jobs with a psychology degree as listening to and understanding another person's post traumatic psychological upheavals and pain provide as much relief to the sufferer as does treatment of physical injuries!
Advertising and Marketing Strategists: Advertising and marketing are all about understanding and manipulating mass psychology! Therefore, strategy formation and copywriting for advertising and marketing campaigns are among extremely interesting as well as lucrative psychology jobs with a bachelor's degree!
Public Relations: The way people view an organization's or a person's image can be orchestrated and it is this orchestration that defines the job of a public relations officer!
Image development, maintenance and projection are all about understanding target audience's psychology, so is manipulating it to impose the desired image upon it for deriving the desired opinion of the target audience about oneself! No wonder this job profile tops the psychology careers list with a bachelor's degree!
Working with People on Probation/Parole: A bachelor's degree in psychology comes handy for candidates who wish to work with paroled convicts and law violators on a probation.
Psychology graduates are believed to be able to better understand, therefore handle, the emotional and psychological quirks and needs of troubled children and teenagers. This makes them desired candidates for working with juveniles from broken families and those suffering from drug addiction and abuse.
Although the scope of jobs is limited for people with only a bachelor's degree, there are many noble and exciting careers in psychology with a bachelor's degree which include job opportunities like educationists, assistant psychiatrist/psychologist, federal/state/local human services, community relations, career counseling, rehabilitation specialist, etc.
There are, but obviously, a wider variety of careers in psychology with a master's degree. It would do you good to read everything about psychology careers and salaries to get a better idea and career information on psychology. With psychology, the scope is huge! It is up to you to decide upon which territory to explore and contribute to! All the best!