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Career Opportunities in Environmental Science

Geeta Dhavale
Here are some of the great career opportunities that can tell you why this stream of sciences is a good career option. Have a look...
The environment is a wide and complex issue that calls for professionals to solve the issues and problems surrounding it. There is a huge scope in this field as there are a wide range of specializations you can choose from as per your interest area.


An ecologist studies living organisms and their relationship with the environment, how they interact with each other and their surroundings, and ways to keep the interaction in its natural form.
The need for trained ecologists is growing immensely. So, if you have a passion to protect Mother Earth, this is definitely for you.

Restoration Ecology

The job of restoration ecologists is closely related to rivers and aquatic habitats. Ecologists have to conduct various research studies to analyze and suggest some methods to restore the river banks and helpful living organisms in the water that are essential for the smooth ecosystem.
Monitoring local wildlife and different plant and flower species also come under the purview of a restoration ecologist.

Environmental Chemistry

It can offer some of the most promising career opportunities. As the name suggests, this field studies the effect and relationship between different chemicals and the pollutions. It studies the reactions to certain kinds of pollutions or contamination, and what effects it can have on other living beings, such as humans and animals.

Freshwater Science

As the name suggests, it's all about studying the causes behind freshwater or rainwater contamination and pollution. The role of a freshwater scientist involves studying the impact of water contamination on the land, living beings, and the overall ecosystem.
Their job also involves suggesting and designing new methods for its conservation, and save the freshwater from getting contaminated.


Yes, teaching this branch of science to students at various universities is also one of the exciting roles available in this field, if you wish to make more people aware of various challenges around us. There are universities that offer a degree and require an expert in this field with great teaching skills.

Forest Science

This one would appeal to you if you love forests and wildlife. There are many options to choose from in this field, such as, wildlife conservation, forest conservation, urban forestry, etc. A forest scientist has to come up with various ways to strike a balance between the demand for forest resources and maintaining ecology.

Natural Resource Science

Natural resource scientists work closely with various government bodies to manage available resources effectively. They come up with measures to ensure that no natural resources are wasted or no excessive resources are snatched from nature, as it can cause ecological imbalance. They work in various sub fields, but the ultimate goal is protecting environment.
With an array of opportunities available, you have the chance to pick up a field that is close to your heart. A career in these noble initiatives starts with a bachelor's or master's degree in the same. After gaining a few years of experiencing, you can go for a Ph.D. It is advisable to consult your teachers or guides for the detailed academic requirements.