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Career Information in Engineering

Stephen Rampur
A career in engineering needs brilliance, highest regards towards science and a passion to create. People in this field have to go through many trials to make it to the top. It is a choice of many high school students and has always held a special place of respect in the eyes of people.
Engineering is one of the best fields one can choose as a career. Some people get an engineering degree, lose interest in the field, and eventually end up jumping careers. This is more than likely to end up as a waste of time and resources.
Engineering is a generic term, and can be differentiated by the specializations that it incorporates. Engineers play an important role in various fields like in electronics, materials, health and safety, nuclear, marine, aeronautical, and technology.
Careers in this field are known to offer the best opportunities. The starting salary is higher when compared to graduates in any other field. Engineering and technology go hand in hand, so they have to stay up-to-date with the technology. They can achieve this only by continuing education in their field.
Engineers must immerse themselves into science and math to provide solutions to all kinds of challenges. They may be employed in factories, industries, software development sectors, and almost everywhere else. Many engineers also work as production or process engineers, that includes the designing, development, testing, and maintenance of a specific system.

Information Technology/ Software and Hardware Development

Engineers working in the information technology field are either software developers or hardware engineers. Software developers are responsible for creating and developing software for their clients. They need to be adept in various software languages, coding, software testing and analysis, server maintenance and so on.
They are in heavy demand nowadays, as all industries use computer systems in their operations. Hardware developers, on the other hand, research, design, develop, and test the installation of computer hardware. 
They test and develop desktops, laptops, computer chips, circuit boards, keyboards, modems, and printers. Their work is closely related to the work done by electronic engineers, the only difference being, that they deal only in computer-related equipment.

Aeronautics or Astronautics

These engineers exclusively work on the design, development, testing, and maintenance of airplanes, spacecrafts, and missiles. They are mostly employed by the government of their respective countries to work in aviation, defense systems, and space expeditions.
There are two types of engineers in this sector, aeronautical engineers, who work on airplanes, and astronautical engineers, who work solely on spacecraft related projects. 
They are professionals in structural design, instrumentation, and communication of navigations control systems of airplanes and space shuttles. As and when required, they may have to work on commercial planes, fighter jets, helicopters, missiles or rockets.


Engineers in this sector take on the laws and principles of chemistry to provide solutions to problems related to production and use of chemicals and biochemicals. They are either employed by the government for research and development or by large scale chemical manufacturing, biotechnology or health care companies to plan and test their chemical products.
They may also be hired by manufacturing companies other than chemical companies, who produce food, clothing, electronics, energy, or paper. They have a thorough understanding of the chemical manufacturing processes and it's effect on the environment.


Electronic engineers work on the design, development, testing, and maintenance of various technologies like televisions, music players, refrigerators, and all other electronic appliances. They also work on broadcast and communication systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS).
They may specialize in signal processing, systems control, and communications. They are mostly hired by companies that manufacture electronic equipment, or they may also set up their own electronic sales and services store.


They are exclusively involved in the design and supervision of the construction of roads, skyscrapers, dams, tunnels, bridges, and sewage systems. They are responsible for the infrastructural development of a city.
There are many supervisory or administrative positions in this sector who are differentiated on the basis of their knowledge and aptitude regarding infrastructure, water resources, environment, and transportation.
These were a few options available in the field of engineering. If one has the aptitude and will to work hard, there are numerous options available. Among the few lucrative career options available today, engineering is the cherry on the cake.