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Career Advice for College Students

Naomi Sarah
In the following story, you'll find career advice for college students, with tips on how to go about hunting for a new job once you're fresh out of college.
Once college's term is up, the stress sets in about what you're going to do after you're over and done with studying. Do you study further and get a part-time job, or do you look for full-time job directly, or maybe intern somewhere for a while and gain experience before venturing into the world for a full-time job―it's downright confusing.
Students these days are doing well for themselves by being a part of college activities like clubs or the head of a team, managing print for the college like newsletters or weekly write-ups.
It is important to use your time in college to intern at places that reflect what it is you do in college, like a strong area in your curriculum that you find is your forte. You need to have some experience in interning somewhere, so that you aren't fresh out into the world with no clue about what it's like to have a job.
For those of you who haven't interned at all, the first step in the process would be to find out which area in the job scene is your strongest, and if you don't know, then career assessments for college students is your plan B. Assessments are available online for free, which you can easily look up and try out for yourselves.
They help students gauge which fields they would work best in, based on certain questions stylized to bring out a result that helps you formulate an idea of what you can do as a job. We'll get into the details of this type of job evaluation as a key factor under career advice for college students, along with how to choose a career that is apt for you.

Job Advice for Graduates

Like mentioned previously, assessments work well for those who need career ideas for college students. It can be quite nerve-racking when it comes to getting down to this task, since companies are looking for qualified individuals who can prove their worth by just merely glancing at their resumes.
To make the most of your time in college, get a part-time job, or do a course side by side to up your chances in the job hunting scenario, and do an internship in a company that is either recognized or those that offer openings to college students to intern at.
Don't miss opportune moments such as these, because it will give your resume potentiality and weight. So let's look into why assessments are, if not a completely reliable source, a helpful one nonetheless in targeting your ideal job.
  • Job assessments are available online and through other sources like colleges or those that offer assessment tests. You can either choose these tests online and print out your evaluation papers along with the results, or sit for the test in person where someone will then discuss & assess the results with you, to help you gage and understand what it all means.
The advice is good both ways, be it online or in person, although you need to take more than one test to come up with a solid conclusion on where your strong areas reside.
  • Don't rely on them as a way of deciding what it is you have to do in the future, but a guiding tool to help you find out where your true potential lies.
  • Once you gather in all your results, sit down and find a common link among all of them, as in where does the repetition lie when it comes to what you're good at. There will be a pattern that forms and interlinks all your results, making you pinpoint that one area or other options you could be good at.
  • Find out where your interests lie when it comes to job seeking. Does it have something to do with arts, writing, film, music, cooking, or another field in particular? Come up accordingly with a plan to pursue just that.
  • Take up a course on the sidelines to further fuel your chances at making it big when it comes to working, since employers need qualified and brainy individuals who've done a lot of studying. 
Now companies focus more on how much knowledge you have, and then look towards the job experience in your past. So a backing in theory is important, since it exposes you to the ropes of the job in detail.
  • Some students leave college confused about what they want to do, with no clue how to go about the job hunting process. That is where career tests for college students come in to help guide you like I said, if not totally give you an open answer to what you need to do. It can only suggest what areas you'd be good at, with you to decide if you want to take it up or not.
The best jobs for the future are openly available to those who have a lot of book knowledge, where degrees don't count unless you strike gold when making it on your own and starting something solely out of experimentation, which, by the way, takes time and money. Just be sure to have an idea first of what you need to do before college is out, and also give those career assessments a try.