Receptionist Skills

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Bank Receptionist Job Summary

Anuja Marathe Kanhere
Receptionist Skills
Thinking of taking up a career as a bank receptionist? The job looks attractive but there are many facets to it that need to be understood before setting your heart on this career option. Here is a summary of a bank receptionist's job.
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A bank receptionist is often called the face of the bank. Customers have a tendency to predict the status and service standards of a banking organization based on the efficiency and professional approach shown by the receptionist.
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After all, a receptionist is the very first person with whom we interact on visiting the bank. She is also the one with whom we talk each time we call up the bank. So what factors make you the perfect candidate for this post? For that, it is essential to know the job profile of a bank receptionist.
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Basic Expected Qualifications

It is expected that a bank receptionist should have at least a basic high school diploma. There are, of course, some variations in qualification prerequisites as per certain state laws or rules stated by the banking organizations.
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The receptionist is also expected to have an excellent command over basic computer packages used by the bank. She is supposed to have a good command over the business language used by the organization.
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If there happens to be any regional language where the bank is located, then it is often expected that the receptionist is well versed with it. A bilingual or multilingual receptionist is of an extra advantage to the banking organization.
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General Responsibilities

When you think of a bank receptionist's job profile, you think of it as just another administrative job. However, a bank receptionist is often expected to multitask. Some of her general responsibilities include:
  • Greeting and welcoming customers into the bank.
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  • Guiding the customers to proper staff members who can solve their queries. Often, the receptionist is expected to solve the basic queries of bank's customers. For this, the receptionist should have some basic knowledge about bank's policies and procedures.
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  • Manning the phone desk throughout the day and channelizing the calls to the right members of the staff. For this, the bank receptionist is expected to have excellent phone etiquette.
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  • Making notes of official messages for bank staff when they are not available.
  • Taking care of many administrative duties of the bank.
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  • Taking care of postal and courier consignments. The receptionist needs to maintain a detailed record of inward and outward consignments. The same need to be handed over to appropriate staff members.
  • At times, certain banking organizations expect their receptionist to carry out certain sales and marketing operations for the bank too.
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Some Extra Traits

A consistently professional approach, perfect diction, communication skills and pleasing personality are the essence of a bank receptionist's job. Here are some pointers that may come in handy
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  • There is nothing more positive than a pleasant and smiling receptionist to greet you when you enter the bank. She is expected to speak pleasantly and warmly to all customers at all times. A receptionist is expected to be well dressed at all times. She is also expected to be present at her desk right from start of the day till the bank's closing hours.
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  • A bank receptionist is often regarded as the most 'stable' person in the bank. She, being a host of the bank, is always expected to maintain a cool and pleasant face in the most critical situations as well. A bank's reputation is often at stake based on the kind of responses and attitude maintained by a receptionist.
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  • A receptionist gets to interact with a lot of people and is often seen to be aware of the grapevine communication in the office. Under such circumstances, she needs to maintain confidentiality of all the information that she comes across.
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  • The reception is the first desk approached by any of the customers. Therefore it is a prerequisite that she should maintain a clean and uncluttered desk.
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  • Many banking organizations expect the reception to double up as an inquiry counter too. Here it is essential for the bank receptionist to be aware about all the bank's policies, bank's products and services, etc.
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  • A bank receptionist is expected to maintain a tactful and diplomatic attitude when she interacts with the customers.
  • A bank receptionist is often expected to maintain various records for ready referral of banking staff.
  • She needs to share an excellent rapport with each member of the bank's hierarchy.
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Bank Receptionist Salary

You may expect a pay-packet of approximately $30000 to $34000 per annum across United States. There might be some differentiation based on the size of the banking organization. If the bank expects the receptionists to engage in sales and marketing for the bank, then you are likely to be offered a variable pay in addition as well.
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So now you know the secret for being a good bank receptionist. Do you think you have all the mentioned qualities in you? If yes, then what is holding you back? Get started and explore this new career path.