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Assembly Line Worker Job Description

Kundan Pandey
Mass production is a popular concept used in factories. It is also known as assembly line production, wherein a single product is manufactured by many workers and individuals. In this story, we will know more about the same.
A Fun Fact: It was not Henry Ford who invented assembly line production method. The credit of introducing assembly line production goes to Ransom E. Olds who manufactured cars on the same methods in 1902. Even before Ransom, it is said that several civilizations back in 250 BC used many workers to create a single product!!
The concept of assembly line was popularized by the legendary Henry Ford and his colleagues of the Ford Motor Company. Using this systematic approach to manufacture cars, Ford company was able to carve a niche for itself in the automobile segment.
The efficiency of production in those years increased drastically after application of the assembly line concept and it has since then become a famous production model followed in numerous factories all across the globe.
The magical influence of assembly line idea led to lowered costs in other production works, thereby leading to drop in prices of the iconic Ford Model T. It was owing to this fact that such cars penetrated in the American societies. The assembly line manufacturing process employs hundreds of thousands of workers.

Duties and Responsibilities

Assembly line workers are employed in the assembly line production plants. In such plants, products are manufactured by assembling a large number of components to form a complete unit of the product. Each individual in an assembly line has to carry out only specific tasks.
This can be anything like simple drilling of holes for screws. In an ideal assembly line factory, all manufacturing works are planned properly before the actual process starts. Every team is assigned specific roles and every member of the team is expected to carry out the same.
All assembly line workers stand alongside in a line while the product moves along the conveyor system to the next worker who is supposed to complete the task assigned to him. In this way, the product manufacturing occurs at a significantly faster rate and hence it boosts the output.
Working for specific number of hours, assembly line workers complete a good deal of manufacturing. Besides using machines and tools like screwdrivers, pliers and soldering irons, these workers may also take assistance of programmed robots and special tools.

Assembly Line Worker Skills

Now that you're aware of the typical works entailed in assembly line work job description, you can easily guess the traits you must have in your personality to become an assembly line worker. Since this work is extremely repetitive in nature, it can turn out to be monotonous.
Hence, you must have the ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand for longer hours. The bottom-line is not to make mistakes or be careless because even slight mistakes can lead to poor product quality at the end of the product completion. Another skill that is vital for success in this job is deftness in hands.
Workers need to be skilled in using their hands to fix minute screws and bolts. Besides these skills, assembling also requires excellent hand to eye coordination.
At the outset, it may appear that the tasks of a worker in assembly line works is very easy but the truth is that it is not so because workers have to stand for long hours and they have to focus continuously to achieve daily targets. Yes, every worker has a daily target that he or she is expected to meet by the end of the day.
So, the workers need to be fast and accurate in their work. Being a team player is also vital as the entire assembly line works together to produce the product. It is also vital for the workers to stay fit as they have to stand for long number of hours.
The earning potential of workers in an assembly line production depends pretty much on the type of industry they're in and their work experience. Salary data collected from various sources state that the workers earn anywhere between US$18,525 to US$40,609, per year.
Those getting paid on hourly basis earn anywhere between US$8 to US$13 per hour. Some of the most popular industries that hire assembly workers are manufacturing and distribution, food manufacturing, electronics manufacturing and computer & electronics manufacturing.